Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17

Permanent Links—

View all deadlines at the AGEC 4213 Calendar.

View grades as I am recording them (by your class ID number) here.


Homework 3 has been graded and will be given back today.

Homework 4 is due by 9:00 PM on September 17.

Homework 5 (a small homework) is due September 19 at the beginning of class.

No class Sept 24. I will come during class time to help anyone needing help. You will not penalized if you don't come.

See September 12 announcements regarding Exam 1.

Today's Class

Welcome guest speaker Aaron Hoerst, a former student and Koch employee.

Cordell Lloyd will begin class.

We need a volunteer to begin the next class.

Give back Homework 3.

Complete this worksheet using these data, where we repeat the exercise from Sept 12 using real data and Excel Solver.

Begin working on a survey to measure reliance on meat as part of a low-carb diet.